The Substance of Dumping in HDI's Point of View, its Existence Towards Islamic Law


  • Muhammad Ali Adnan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Al-Hikmah
  • Atika Sunarto Universitas Prima Indonesia


Dumping, Siyasah Al-Ighraq, Anti-Dumping Duties


This paper discusses the views of international trade law and Islamic law on dumping practices. Dumping is the activity of buying and selling products at below normal prices in countries aimed at exporters for the sole purpose of controlling international market share. Dumping is carried out with the aim of seizing international share by a country, so that this is a high case in international trade. It is a fact that Indonesia is in the top fifth place on dumping charges. Dumping is a trade practice that is dishonest, however dumping is in fact not prohibited in the provisions of the WTO. However, importing countries can apply anti-dumping duties that apply to the WTO for dumping products to prevent or reduce the effects of serious losses on domestic products which are considered substantial. Islam recognizes the term dumping by the term "siyasah al-ighraq" or islam the price. Islamic law is different from international trade law. Which is in the hadith of the Prophet that the practice of dumping is prohibited because it can cause losses that lead to bankruptcy for producers.


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How to Cite

Adnan, M. A., & Atika Sunarto. (2020). The Substance of Dumping in HDI’s Point of View, its Existence Towards Islamic Law. LEGAL BRIEF, 9(2), 98–105. Retrieved from



National and International Criminal Law