Analysis Of Change in The Minimum Extent of Forest Areas in The Job Creation Law Through An Environmental Perspective
Forest, Forest Area, DeforestationAbstract
Forests have a very essential role in countries with the high rainfall intensity and vulnerable to disasters regarding the balance of water systems that can lead to floods up to sedimentation. Therefore, it is very important to have the minimum limit of forest areas which is regulated and maintained in the Forestry Law, with the aim of optimizing the social, ecological, and economic benefits of the local communities. Through the Job Creation Law, the obligation to maintain a forest area of at least 30% in the Forestry Law is eliminated. The reason is its obligation is irrelevant to the current developments. The minimum policy of 30% forest area is like a double-edged sword, among others, the provinces with forest areas under 30% as in Java must buy the land to be used as a forest area for the substitute. Then, some islands such as Papua, Sumatera, Kalimantan, and other islands with about 70% forest area will endanger the environment because it provides up to 30% for deforestation. Therefore, a question arises for this study to be carried out related to how the impact of the policy of restrictions forest areas in the job creation law in environmental aspects. In this study, the authors used the methods of normative legal research. The result of this study was the loss of 30% forest area. This Job Creation Law Policy will certainly increase deforestation rates, and of course it will have an impact on the natural environment that has an important role in human, plant, and animal life. Biodiversity and animals living in the forest will be reduced since their habitat has been damaged and can cause disasters, such as landslides and floods if the state of the forest continues to have deforestation. The 30% minimum limit must be applied to the islands with less than 30% forest area.
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