Implementation of consumer rights, obligations, and business actors' responsibilities in case of non-conforming goods
Business Actor, Consumer Rights, Juridical Studies, Obligations, ResponsibilitiesAbstract
Today, consumer protection should receive more attention because there are not a few Business Actors who do business in Indonesia, both domestic and foreign Business Actors and are part of Indonesia's economic development. This paper will investigate the responsibility of the Seller in the event of a discrepancy in the delivery of goods to customers, as well as the legal remedies available to consumers. The research method used was normative method or doctrinal legal research. Because consumers' rights and obligations in transactions with business actors are often regulated and have the type of a standard that business actors must give consumers. Business actors are responsible for failing to provide consumer rights. In the Consumer Protection Law, "Liability Based on Fault" is used as the concept of responsibility. If the company actor refuses to take responsibility for his mistake and a consumer dispute emerges, the Protection Law allows parties to resolve problems outside or in court. If parties settle consumer problems outside of court, they sign a deed/agreement of settlement or agreement on the conclusion of a dispute resolution for mediation and conciliation.
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