Cybertroops: Contestation and Polarization in The Perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis


  • Khoirun Nisa Aulia Sukmani Institute of Indonesia Arts and Culture Bandung, Indonesia
  • Taufik Setyadi Aras Institute of Indonesia Arts and Culture Bandung, Indonesia



Cybertroops, Virtual Police, Social Media X, CDA


The political year is approaching; every five years, Indonesia faces a contestation of democracy and political games. Cybertroops act as a volunteer force in influencing public opinion on certain topics, creating polarization that attracts the attention of the government in defending against opinions that damage and endanger Indonesia’s integration. How is it viewed? This research uses social media ethnography to observe the landscape of cybertroops and virtual police in their respective domains. Critical Discourse Analysis is used to see how cybertroops to work in cultivating public opinion, while virtual police monitor and minimize the growth of public opinion polarization.


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How to Cite

Aulia Sukmani, K. N. ., & Setyadi Aras, T. . (2024). Cybertroops: Contestation and Polarization in The Perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis. LEGAL BRIEF, 13(2), 588–594.



Political Law , Police, Defense and Security Studies